Wednesday 25 September 2013

What Happened to Conversation?

Do not get me wrong, I have been fully aware of the impact that technology has had on society's social skills.  It is absolutely no secret that teenagers (and adults) tend to be more comfortable in communicating via technology than in person.  Texting, chatting, posting and sharing seem to be the way to go. Additionally, more and more people I talk to admit to me that they prefer emailing or texting someone over actually speaking to them on the phone. I, myself, get jumpy whenever my phone rings because I am so weary that it might be about some sort of work or social "obligation" - this while normally it is just my husband phoning, which is alright. Point is, verbal communication and face-to-face contact is on the decrease, and I am wondering what the future may hold and what the impact of this might be on future generations.
I see that, instead of sorting out issues in a civilised manner, people prefer what I call "hate statuses" on Facebook, BBM, WhatsApp etc. etc. etc.  Backhand comments and hateful insults are being posted disguised as statuses, and I assume the culprit is supposed to notice immediately when these actually refer to him or her. "I don't exactly hate you, but if you were on fire and I had water, I’d drink it." was one of the posts I saw on Facebook the other day. Coincidentally I knew what the story was, and who the "culprits" and "victims" were, but I immediately felt annoyed, since doing things like that only worsen the situation and do not resolve anything. Besides, it is tacky. Especially when family, friends and other loved ones are involved. You sort your matters out with decency, and not where hundreds of viewers can read the latest in the "So-and-So-Saga". So, instead of proper conflict resolution, individuals have started settling for an indirect, hateful and public approach.
Aside from bad conflict resolution skills, individuals in society have less and less to say to one another, OR technology is just way better company. Looking at coffee dates, date nights, social events etc., more than half of the people around the table, fire or board game will be on their phones. And ironically, most people accept it that way.
High School Reunions get weird, because everyone already knows what everyone is doing, how many kids they have, how much weight they lost or gained, how many times they have been divorced, whether or not they're employed etc. etc. etc. All from Facebook. Viola! (By the way, nobody is ever as happy as their Facebook photos say - just saying).
This brings me to the very thing that many of us do. Since we do not have anything to say to one another in person anymore, we resort to watching movies and series on television. And then it hit me two days ago: what a load of dialogue! The characters in the stories are actually talking to one another - like ALL THE TIME... So we spend our days watching and listening to fictional characters doing the one thing we forgot how to do: TALKING.
What does the future hold?
I do not know.... if it was not for our need to actually eat food, I assume our mouths would have grown shut. I think, in terms of communication, the future looks silent. And for tech-developers, this silence is golden.

Thursday 22 August 2013

End of the World

When you go to Grade 1,
you feel like the world is going to end if you do not get a gold star.
When you go to High School,
you feel like the world is going to end if you do not get those distinctions in the
Matric Exams.
When you go to University,
you feel like the world is going to end if you have to repeat a subject.
When you leave University,
you feel like the world is going to end if you do not get that job immediately.
When you start a job,
you feel like the world is going to end when you make your first mistake, do not reach that stupid target, or do not get that darn promotion.
But when you die.
Who will ever discuss or remember your gold stars, matric marks, amount of degrees and qualifications and how well you did your job?
They will think about who you were and how much you cared.
They will remember your heart, and not your worldly performances.
So, go ahead - put what matters most first, and get rid of the lies of this world.
Otherwise you will always feel like you are falling short.
And life is just too short for that.

Friday 28 June 2013


This year was a locust that ate at my strength
Restoration is coming but the time is at length
I wish for that Hand that will take hold of me
To help me up so I can proceed
To walk on the water outside of the boat
And not just to sit there and float and float
Sometimes I think that I am here for a reason
That somehow God placed me here with a plan
But sometimes I catch myself thinking its treason
And that this is an Egypt, desert, and I am amongst a foreign clan
Am I here for good?
Or am I passing through
Is this place a means to an end?
Or is it actually
The end?
I grab hold of a vision whenever I recall
Of me at the end standing vibrant and tall
Smiling victorious
Surrounded by light and life
But not knowing how to get there
Cuts like a knife
May this place be a mere passage
That builds me, strengthens me and teaches me
About others, myself and the ugly world out here
May I just pass through towards the light
Ultimately in the end, I know You have a Plan
For me, your child, while foreign in this clan
But may I enjoy a bit of my life here on earth
Until it’s time to depart and
Say goodbye
Without a cry
And head towards a place where I shall never be alone
Head towards my… real… Home

Friday 10 May 2013

What if you are wrong, dear Atheist?

Dearly Beloved Atheist;
We are gathered here today because, well, you decided to read my post. By the way, thank you for that, I do enjoy seeing the amounts of “views” of my blog posts sky-rocketing. But this is an earnest message. When something sounds funny to you, please do not be offended. I choose to bring a light sentence in, here and there, just to show that this is not a bashing post that is trying to force something on to you.
So I am an eager news reader. I love reading the news. When I get tired of working and have to take a break here and there, I read the news. Serious news, business news, news related to my field of work and then also entertainment news (just in case something serious pops up, or to keep up with Hollywood mainly). By “something serious” I refer to examples such as the other day when I clicked on Google News: Entertainment, and South Africa’s “Failing Education System” popped up. I do not regard our challenged education system as a laughing matter…. But I did find the appearance of this highly worrisome news under the Google News: Entertainment section, rather… well entertaining.
Aaaaaanyway, back to the point of discussion.  I like reading the news, and aside from reading on all of the above topics, I also like to read some Opinion Articles. And I get absolutely intrigued when I see all these passionate opinion articles written by dedicated atheists. My question to you today, dearest Atheist, is why are you so desperate in trying to convince the world that there is no god? If there is no god, then what are you so fierce about? If others believe that there is a god, then it shouldn’t bother you that much now should it? Think about it this way: Does it bother you that some people sincerely believe that fairies and mermaids do exist? I am guessing No. Will it bother you if there are people who actually, seriously, believe in vampires and werewolves? Again… No? Why do you not argue with them the way you do with people who believe that there is a god. And why, dear Atheist, do you have such a huge problem with Christians, in particular?
When someone dares making a statement on their own Christian faith and experiences, the comments get heated and almost desperate. Atheists attack that person to such an extent, that I sometimes wonder if you are afraid of the possibility that you might be wrong… Is it perhaps possible that, amongst all the beliefs there exist, Christianity might be striking a "truth-nerve"?
That brings me to the ultimate question: What if you are wrong? What if you die today and all is not black, or nothingness, but that there actually IS a hell and a heaven. Where do you think you would go? What would you say? What if there is a place you will be spending eternity in? What if that place is Hell? Eternal torture. Eternal… Ever thought about the word "Eternal"? Imagine eternal sickness, excruciating pain, tiredness, torture torture torture torture… ETERNAL TORTURE. Ever thought about the word "Torture"?
I am a solid reborn Christian. Filled with the Holy Spirit. With it come gifts, power and favour that go far beyond what I can describe. You have to experience it to understand it. I want to share with you today that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to save you as well. There is no such thing as a perfect human being. And ultimately no-one deserves to go to heaven. But God did not want this for us, and decided to intervene. Jesus Christ suffered torture, humiliation, ridicule, death and everything else we deserve, in our place. He took the punishment for all those things we just cannot seem to get perfect onto Himself, so that those of us who believe in what He did for us, can go to Heaven when we die here on earth. That is GRACE: Giving something to someone lovingly, without that person necessarily deserving it. Dear Atheist, He did it for you as well. But you still have a choice: either you decide to take this Gift of Salvation and Believe, or not. 
I had to add the previous paragraph to show you that there is Hope. Thinking of eternity and torture and hell, well..., is depressing enough. I had to share some Good News with you.
What you ultimately decide, is up to you. But think about it. And don’t try to be so desperate in convincing Christians that they are wrong. Just think about this… what if YOU are wrong??
Please take note that I will not entertain sneer remarks and comments on this post. I am sharing out of love. Just read it and think about it. If you decide not to agree, that is your choice.



Thursday 2 May 2013


I draw a picture in my head
One that’s filled with twirls and curls
A picture of my life
A thorn bush here
A rose emerging there
And water sometimes everywhere
Then came along a season of smiles,
Beautiful writings, perfect calligraphy
Fire burning with warmth and love
Wings soaring high above
Then another season came
along with blame

Friday 19 April 2013

Let's Cry Foul

So today I was finding myself laughing about the direction politics is taking in our beloved country… cry the beloved country… cry the children of Africa (I actually wrote an article with the latter as title so watch it plagiarisers)… cry cry cry. Let’s cry “FOUL”. So here’s a little dialogue in my head between the ANC (ruling party) and DA opposition party.

DA: Nelson Mandela fought for freedom and rights. He stood for peace and integrity. He dreamt of a country where all can co-exist and love one another without grudges and vengeance. He wanted reconciliation and a beautiful rainbow nation that will move forward and be an example to other nations. Hey!!! That is what we want too!!

ANC: Who does the stupid antirevolutionist Democratic Alliance (DA Party) think they are “stealing our beloved Madiba”??? We fought so hard to create him, he is ours! We bought him! He is our property! Our label (emblem) consists of green and gold – resembling land and mineral wealth. What the heck?

DA: That is irrelevant. Madiba is a global icon. He belongs to everyone.

Madiba: Excuse me? Am I an object?

ANC: This is the lowest the DA antirevolutionist movement has ever stooped. How dare they compare us to the apartheid regime.

DA: Its photos…. The photos show the same thing between now and years ago. The ANC is a black NP.

ANC: FOUL!!!!!!!!!!!!

DA: What? It’s true?

ANC: Luister djy nou vir my, djy wat da so lêkker opi haai tjêr sit en denk djy roel die KAAP! Ons gattie flippen KAAP onreggeerbaar mak as djy nie nou ophou met djou gelieg en gebedrieg nie!

DA: FOUL!!!!! Haai Chair? Haai Stoel? Ons het alles in ons vermoens gedoen om die Kaapse waters veilig te maak vir surfers. Moenie nou kom met onwaar haai stories nie. We offer shark cage diving only here and there. Go do your work Fransman! Focus and stop changing the subject or try to distract people from the failures of your party

ANC: Flip dit! If that is your attitude we will BURN IT DOWN!!!

DA: Burn what down?

ANC: The Gautrain, the Winelands, the Houses, the Libraries, the Schools, the Mayors’ house.

DA: What about the buses and trains?

ANC: YES! Those too!

DA: Do it!

ANC: What?

DA: Do it! We need more pictures for our campaign.

ANC: No ways! You want to steal what we do and use it against us???? FOUL!!!