Friday 28 June 2013


This year was a locust that ate at my strength
Restoration is coming but the time is at length
I wish for that Hand that will take hold of me
To help me up so I can proceed
To walk on the water outside of the boat
And not just to sit there and float and float
Sometimes I think that I am here for a reason
That somehow God placed me here with a plan
But sometimes I catch myself thinking its treason
And that this is an Egypt, desert, and I am amongst a foreign clan
Am I here for good?
Or am I passing through
Is this place a means to an end?
Or is it actually
The end?
I grab hold of a vision whenever I recall
Of me at the end standing vibrant and tall
Smiling victorious
Surrounded by light and life
But not knowing how to get there
Cuts like a knife
May this place be a mere passage
That builds me, strengthens me and teaches me
About others, myself and the ugly world out here
May I just pass through towards the light
Ultimately in the end, I know You have a Plan
For me, your child, while foreign in this clan
But may I enjoy a bit of my life here on earth
Until it’s time to depart and
Say goodbye
Without a cry
And head towards a place where I shall never be alone
Head towards my… real… Home

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